Thursday 27 December 2012

The Lottery task 1

Many people have at least once thought about what they might do if they win the lottery.

Wouldn't you have liked to be one of those 25 millionaires?
What would you do with a million euros? Would winning such a lottery change your life and if so, how? Write a post responding to this question and respond to each other's posts.

Possible sentence starters: 
With a million euros won in a lottery I would .......
Winning the lottery would ......
If I won a million euros in a lottery, I would... / my life would ....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. With a million euros won in a lottery my life would be a lot different then it is now. I would buy a ticket to New York City, and would built up a life there. I would buy a penthouse in the upper east side, the richest part of Manhattan. In my appartment i want a large walk-in-closet with a chair and a tv. I would buy 10000 pairs of shoes, and i would wear every day Louboutin, Prada, Gucci and Hermes.
    I also would donate money to family and friends who have financial problems. So they can live easily too.

    1. I think it is very good that you not only spend the money for yourself. you buy things that you want but you also want to give family and friends money if the need it.

    2. I don't think you can buy all the stuff you want with one million euro's but i really like the way you fantasize about you're future. I would like to go shopping with you speaking of your list of expensive brands. I think it's really sweet that you would donate some money to your family and friends with financial problems.

  3. If I won a million Euros in a lottery, I would spend al lot of money with shopping and do nice things with friends like going to the cinema and that kind of things. Also I want to buy a scooter. I want to travel around the world, I would go to London, New-York and Aruba. With the money that is left I will buy a house or apartment in a other country. My live will chance completely because now I can buy a lot of things that I want and I don’t have to work for it, so I can buy it immediately . if friends or family have financial problems I give them some money because I want to help them. My live completely chance with one million dollar.

    1. I think it's very sweet that you'd give money to loved ones in need. Why would you like to live in another country?

  4. If I won a million Euro's I would get my driver's license and I'd buy a scooter for the time that I can't drive a car since I'm not 18 yet. When I'm 18 I'll sell my scooter and buy a nice car. Also I would take my friends and family out to dinner to celebrate the price I've won. After finishing HAVO I'd buy a nice appartment in Leiden from the money I have left. I'd continue working because there's no need to spend a million Euro's before your 20th birthday in my opninion, this money would come in more handy when you buy your own house. I don't think winning the lottery would change my life that much, because I'm not gonna spend most of it in the first 2 years of having it. Though, it is nice to not have to worry about money when you've just got your first real job.

    1. Don't you think it's a big temptation not to work, since you got a million Euro's already?

    2. I like your down to earth attitude.... Will be useful to you in the future. You're also quite realistic about how far a million euros can take you.

    3. I would agree with the fact that you would still work in spite off winning this money!

  5. If I won a million Euro's, I'd probably move out of the Netherlands as quickly as possible. I'd either move to a warm country, like Spain, or I would move to a beautiful, and charismatic country, like the U.S. I would spend the rest of my money on a big house, and buy a couple of cars. I'd give some of my money to my family and friends, and give them all they need. Money would definetly change your life in material possesions, but you should'nt let the money get the best of you, i would still remain the same. A million is probably not enough to spend over my whole life, so I would definetly study for a well-paid job. If I'm running out of things to buy, I would spend it on charity. .. . ..

    1. Our plans are quit the same. Maybe it's because I'm a girl, but what would you want to do with a couple of cars? You can only drive one at the same time?

    2. I like your comment about how you shouldn't let money get the best of you...

  6. If I won a million euros in a lottery, my life would be different. I'm too young to get my drivers license and now I don't want a scooter. So my plan is to save some money for my drivers license when I'm old enough to get one and maybe save some money for my studies and my own house. I'm not the kind of person who donates money to charity, but I will donates some money to STOPhersentumoren, because that's an important charity for me. I also want to give some money to family and friends. Especially to my grandma. Because I think she deserves it in this period. She fell and broke her arm. Since then she is suffering from a lot of pain. She can't do the things she normally does. The rest of my fortune I'll spend on shopping, but I don't want to spend everything, because I want to save something for a rainy day.

    1. I really love that you would help other people out, especially your grandma.

  7. With a million Euros won in a lottery I would buy my mother a trip to anywhere she likes, my sister the best laptop I can find and my father a motorcycle. I would also take some friends on a trip to a beautiful city like Paris, London or New York. What is left of the money I will save for my year abroad and other things that I want in the future. Winning the lottery would not really change my live. Beside the fact that I can go study abroad and maybe live there in my own beautiful house where I invite my friends and let them stay on vacations. And maybe I will use the money to finance my own clothing line.

    1. I think it's sweet to give presents to your family. And I hope you can lauch your own clothing line later.

  8. If I won a million euros in a lotery, I would buy a scooter. Because I am tired of going to school on my bicycle. Also I would go on a vacation with my entire family to a warm country. Because in the Netherlands it rains every day and we love sun. I want to put some money in savings account. So I don't have to make debts later. Also I would save some money for future investments. I think it would be nice to rent my own appartment when I go to college. That will be the place where I can feel at home and can study.

  9. With a million Euros won in a lottery I would travel a lot around the world. To cities like: Tokio, New York, Paris,Hong Kong, Rome and Madrid. Also, I buy a new house with a butler. I think winning the lottery would really change my life, because you can spend a lot more than before. When my family have financial problems, I can give them some money, until they are financial healthy. When I won a million Euros in a lottery, my life would be a very different look.

    1. What do you think you like so much about having a butler?

  10. If I won a million Euros in the lottery, I would save a large amount for investments, buy a red ferarri (If I'm 18) and a house or appartement. I would go shopping and buy clothes of the finest brands en materials. I would also give some money to my brother and would spend money on my friends and family. I would go to expensive parties and would be spending money out on dinners in good restaurants. The biggest part of the money would be spended so fast, knowing myself.

    1. i like your idea of investments! i would join you to them parties!

  11. If I won a million euros in a lottery, I don't think my life would change that much. Of course it's nice to not have to worry about money anymore, but I think i'd save a lot of money. It's quite useful for later, think of things like buying a house or a new car etc. Also helping out my family would be a main priority. Supporting them financially is something i'd really want to do. I just hope the money doesn't take away my real personality and I will stay the same person.

    1. I really like how you wouldn't allow money to get the better of you and how you can think ahead of the realities of the future.

    2. Why would you spent some money now because it is a much of money?

    3. Can you explain your question Tim? I don't really understand what you mean...

  12. With a million euros won in a lottery I'd leave Holland for sure. I want to live in Italy or Spain, the weather is just so nice. I'd also give a part of the money to my family. I'd buy a scooter and when i'm 18 a car to.
    I think it would change my life for a bit because I'm rich but I won't quit working because I still want to have a normal life.

  13. Have you thought about what kind of job you'd like to doin Italy or Spain?

  14. With a million euros won in a lottery I would probaly buy a nice car for in the future and help some of my family members. i would also ga on a holiday with my friends maybe hawaii or another fun place to party and i would save the rest if there is any.
    Winning the lottery would make me very happy and my life would be a little easier because of the money.b maybe one day if im extremly lucky.

    1. i think i would do the same thing as you! buy nice stuff, and helping family/friends... but also save enough money for the future

  15. If I won a million euros in a lottery, I would save three quarter of my money, and bring it to the bank, i'll save the money for 'later'. I also would spend a little percentage of the money to nice things, like driver's license, car. i also would go to an vacation in America, and give something to my parents, doesn't matter what. One million seems like fun, if you use it right!

    1. I completely agree with you. I would do pretty much the same. I think you would use it right. let's hope we all win a price at the lottery. That would be fun.

    2. Hidde - I like your expression of hope for all of us... we'd have to buy lottery tickets first though :)

  16. If I win the lottery I would buy a very expensive new camera, because I want that for my future as a cameraman. Another part of my million euros I would give to the sweetest nicest most wonderful sister in the world, my sister. Of course I will not forget my family, they too will receive some of the money I won. I think is will donate some money to charity. I also think it would be awesome to take my friends on an unforgettable trip. Sun, beach and party and party and party. Why? Because we can. Yes we can. All that is left I will store on my savings account to receive interest. The money putt on my savings account and the interest I received on that I will use for my future.

    1. it's smart that you use only the interest of your money and I think it's a good idea to give money to charity!

  17. If I won a million euros in a lottery, I would first deposit my money in a savings account and then every time I need it for shopping or just when I want to buy something or go somewhere I withdraw a little of my savings account because a million euro is too much to carry with you. First I give my family some money and then I go to different beautiful countries (sun sea and beach) with my friends. When I am 18 I’m going to buy a car(s) and I’m going to buy a big house. And the rest of my money I spend when I have a family.

    1. I have that same idea about travelling and I would also buy a car when I'm 18 like a red Ferarri or a Lamborghini.

  18. If I win a million euros in a lottery, I would make a big trip around the world and also share the money with my family.
    with the rest of the money I will do three things I will go shopping, buy a lot of new clothes,put some of the money on a bank acount where the money wil be saved or I will invest it in something wich will increase that part of the money so I can use it for something else in the future and I will give a part of the money to charity to people who need the money more than I do.

    1. What would be your first stop on your trip around the world?

  19. Nina:
    If I won a million euros in a lottery I would donate some of that money to charity. I would also give some money to my parents and grandmother. For myself I would buy a appartment in Paris, nearby the Champs Elysees. I would decorate my appartement with designer furniture. I would also go shopping everyday in Yves Saint Laurent, Balmain and other luxurious shops. I would also travel a lot to Australia and Japan, where I also have appartments. I would also go to a restaurant every night, but only to restaurants who have Michelin stars.
    Nina Aliouche

  20. With one million dollars won in a lottery I would definatly buy a dark blue, grey or black Vespa and a big white house nearby the beach at Aruba. I would drop some money at a bank account to save some for expensive things I would like to buy in the future and I would also donate a part to my family so they can visit me a lot of times when I live at Aruba. I also would like to spend some money on vacations with friends to other beautiful places in the world to get some more life experiences.

  21. I i won an million euros in a lottery i would buy a big villa in Australiƫ because i have got familie there and it is a beatyfull country. I have been there 2 years ago and i like that verry much. Also i would save some money for later and give some money to my familie. If i still have money, i would buy a big sport car to drive when i am 18.

  22. If I won a million euros in a lottery, I would definitely buy a horse. I'd also take my mom on a nice vacation. Then I'd save the money for a little while, until I'm old enough to live by myself. I'd love to move to another country. I don't really care where as long as the weather is nice and they don't have spiders that are too big. I would also save some money to study, so I can get a good job that I enjoy doing. If I have any money left after all this, I'd probably just save it for when I need something.

  23. If I won a million euros in a lottery, I would give some of that money to my grandmother and charity. For myself I would buy an appartement nearby the Champs Elysees in Paris. My appartment will be decorated with furniture from designer brands. I would also have other houses in for example Australia. I would also travel a lot to foreign countries. And of course I would buy a lot of designer clothing like Balmain, Yves Saint Laurent and Chanel.

  24. If I win a million euros in the lottery, I would like to make a trip around the world with my sister. And to my other sister I would like to built an animal practice, because she is a veterinarian. I give my parents both 10% of the money, because i think they deserve it. And the rest of the money I spend on shopping and for my house, that's gonna built untill my world tour ends. My house is gonna built in Miami.

  25. If I would be the winner of a one million lottery. I would definatly leave the country. Not only for myself but also for my family. My father applied for his dreamjob last year in Seatle but we couldn't get rid of our house so we stayed. Even though my father said it was no big deal I still think he would love it to get the job. So with my million euros I suppose I would be able to buy a nice house and still have some savings for later on in my lifetime. Furthermore I'm sure I will buy myself a sweet car and I would also go to The Netherlands in al my holidays to get back to my friends and family.

    1. I think you're a very sweet son for moving out of the country also because of your fathers dream job !
      I personally would also like to leave the country because this weather conditions are just terrible.

  26. Well, if I won a million euros, I'd buy tons of videogames, and make sure I would never have to work a day in my life, mediums as investing, saving, interest and such. I'm not a complicated person at all, I'm just lazy, VERY, VERY lazy, anyhow, the fact that I own a million dollars would overwhelm me, I'd probably spend it on irrational and useless things I would never look back at. I'm sure everyone has his or her own prospects on this matter, I'd start to feel comfortable in this extravagant lifestyle, and I'd have trouble to adjust to my regular less extravagant lifestyle. I'd probably get bored with all my videogames, just as I get bored with everything else very quickly, but that's not the issue. I'm not a selfish person, I would give my mom at least 70% of the mini fortune, because.. well it's my mom. The fact that people have these dreams bothers me, because I don't believe no one is going to change his mind about anything, I really can't say what I would do with a million dollars because I'm not a person that thinks about decisions, impulse is the only thing that really helps me make decisions.

  27. If I could be the winner of a lottery , I'd take my family on a big vacation because I realy think they deserve it. secondly I would buy a vespa and maybe I'll go shopping . I might save the rest of my money for later because you never know what the future might bring.

    Caressa van der kwaak

    1. If I was the winner of a lottery ...
      I would go shopping and buy expensive disigner clothes like Chanel.
      Buying a vespa would also be very nice I'm still saving money for that every month but if I had the money I might even buy 3 vespa's .i'm also taking my family on a long luxurious vacation and If we like it over there maybe even buy on house at the beach.
      One of the things wich is a dream of mine is creating my own drink that would we fantastic !

      the rest of the money I would save for later.

      caressa van der kwaak

  28. If I won a million euros in a lottery, I would definitly go to New York to built up life there just because I really like the place and I've got a lot of family around. I would buy a scooter, it will be a black or blue Vespa, I guess. And I would shop a lot of expensive clothes and jewelry! A part of the money I would give to my family, so they can have a easy life as well.

  29. Winning the lottery wouldn't completely change my life. I'd just make sure that after I graduate I will not have to work full-time again. I might use it for a trip around the world, staying at home seems so boring. I get bored after 6 weeks of the summer vacation. I'd also spend the money at things I'll never use again in my life, or that are completely pointless (I'm really good at doing so). Oh and one more thing I'd buy is a Maserati, to be the fourth member of the family to own one. Maybe one day I will be. It may seem like alot one million dollars, but keep I have to keep in mind that this will not be enough to quit working at all, and still live the fancy / luxurious life.
